25 juli 2012

Trying a new name

Howdy everyone :)
I'll make my best to pick out a nice variation of happenings since the last time I wrote.

While asking for filling up our water bottles Jesper and I met some sweet oldies. They were sharing a house on the countryside and were very open minded and glad. It seemed like an exceptional model of how I'd like to spend my days when I grow old.

When we reached Ljusdal a young guy joined us on his BMX. His name was Sam and I really like that name. Jesper suggested that he could call me Sam too, so for a few days I had a go on that name. With this exotic experience I might wish being called something new one day. Just for fun..

Earlier in Bollnäs we were sharing a flat of one room with nine other youths. Though their young age they were really altruistic and filled our hearts with delight for many days. :)
Let there be Peace on Earth
and Let it Begin with Me


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