23 juni 2012

Life is not a duty but an opportunity

Look again. That's not a steamy beach we're melting on ;)

Jesper wanted some time for himself while I went with our host Johnny to enjoy the landscape from within a Swedish hot tub. Afterwards he brought me to a mountain with great view where you can see almost 10 % of the area of Sweden.

On our way back home he said "Hey, let's make some snow angels here. Midnight sun on Midsummer Eve and everything!" Hell yes, I thought, this very moment won't return. Hm.. and shouldn't we eternalize this crazy impulse somehow? Let's find some tourists, I suggested. And we found two sleepy mobile homes. I chose one of them and knocked at the door. Out stumbled a slumbrous and surprised man. I explained our little whim and the man seemed glad to be in our service.
Well, the experience was coooold.
Exalted and giggly we drove back in our beachwear to see if Jesper was still awake..

Life is not a duty but an opportunity!


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